The Tending and Expansion of Perennials Gardens

 In Commercial Property Care, Landscaping, Plantings & Pruning, Property Management, Residential

This is the perfect time to focus on the perennial gardens in your landscape plans. These plants have all woken up and can be cut back where needed, divided, and used in other parts of your property and consider new plants which could expand and improve your current gardens.

When to Cut Back your Perennials

In the spring you can cut back the perennials that you didn’t cut back in the fall because they may have provided protection from the elements, added a winter view, or helped with the wildlife in your area. A good example would be annual wildflowers. They drop their seeds and will come back next year. Also, there is still time to cut back your grasses as you should start to see new growth already sprouting up. This is also a good time to cut back the Butterfly Weed, any ferns you might have, or Coral Bells, as leaving them over the winter kept their new shoots protected. Hydrangeas do need to be tended to and we can help with this pruning. The process is different depending on the variety.

When to Divide and Separate

Early spring when the danger of frost is behind us is the perfect time to divide and separate. Be ready to divide and replant as quickly as you can. Dividing activates the soil and lets the plants have more room to grow. This is a great time to lightly fertilize and provide new soil where needed.
There are local nature centers that have swap meets for perennials and it is a perfect time to get some new varieties.

Mulch Maintenance

Ask us all about mulch!  Some mulches can help maintain the water levels and be advantageous in maintaining beautiful flower beds. They need to be chosen wisely to make sure the perennials don’t root in the mulch or fungi establishes itself due to poor water conditions.
If you just moved to the area and this is your first spring season with your plants, we are glad to work with you to identify what you have and make suggestions on how to proceed. We are here to help develop a plan and then determine which variety of perennials are ideal for your property and how to plan for years to come.