It’s Time for Holiday Decorations & Landscaping Tips As the Cold Weather Sets In

 In Holiday Decorating, Property Management

There is always something to do for your landscape and property regardless of the season. This time of year is perfect to assess your garden. Do you want to plant a different type of garden or start a new one from scratch? As everything gets bare, start to think about and plan for Spring. You should also consider any additions or improvements to your property. A pergola, stone patio, fencing or walkway? Let us work with you to plan now, so once the weather gets warmer, everything is ready to begin. Book now for all holiday lighting and decorating needs for your property and landscape. Reach out to us now for snow plowing and removal. It will be here before you know it.

Holiday Lighting & Decorations

As always, it’s better to prepare early for holiday decorating. Town & Country can  assist you with all exterior decorating needs including garland, lighting, and container planters. A perfect addition for a front doorstep and/or entryways.

Adding Some Color with Evergreen Shrubs

As leaves fall away from trees, evergreen shrubs are perfect year round and especially in the colder months. They add color and brighten any area of your property. There are two types of evergreens. The first are Yews, which are needle-bearing and ideal to fill in any open spaces. The other is a Broadleaf evergreen with small leaves, commonly known as Boxwood. These varieties are ideal for the holidays and they look great when trimmed to fit in containers or planted in the ground.

November Tips

  • Finish raking leaves off the lawn.
  • Deer-proof evergreen shrubs by wrapping them and attaching burlap to the stakes.
  • Protect the bark of saplings by wrapping tree guards around the lowest parts of the trunks.