Getting ‘Smart’ about Irrigation
We are in the hotter portion of the summer when irrigation is key to maintaining green and prospering lawns with happy, healthy plants and shrubs. The three ways to irrigate – sprinklers, drip lines, and manually have taken a giant leap forward with the advent of ‘smart’ WiFi irrigation systems. We will rundown the benefit of a smart approach to irrigation along with some tips to keeping your container pots looking on point.
Setting up a Control System
We are always impressed with systems that take into account the Water Company’s present restrictions. As you see with our diagram, the system knows to only water on the correct days. In our area, Aquarion Water Company continues to impose a mandatory irrigation schedule for area towns, including Darien, Greenwich, New Canaan, Stamford, and Westport. This is easy to do with a smart control system.
When you water by zone and how long to water can all be controlled by a handy app of your phone.

How Weather Affects the System
A smart system will adapt to the weather reports and help you see into the future about anticipated needs. This will help you take good care of your container pots which may need to be manually watered as they are not included in the drip system. A daily review will be a great reminder of the pots you need to maintain yourself.

Making Adjustments to Irrigation as your Update your Plantings
As you enhance your gardening beds and update your lawn expansion, you’ll need to update your irrigation schedule and details. This is easily done on your control panel to remain up-to-date with no over/under watering. Bear in mind, these systems need yearly maintenance at the time of shut off and spring season starts but that is actually easy to do. You can review your plan each season and fine tune based on your past experience which is stored in the app.

If you have any questions about ‘smart’ irrigation and the newest, most effective systems we are seeing on the market, reach out. We are here to help. Call us today at (203) 622-6070 and ask for Kevin.