April Garden & Lawn Preparation
Spring can be an unpredictable time for plants and gardens. As we all know, the temperature fluctuates and cool mornings can sometimes lead to an eventual warm up, which makes it difficult to determine what to plant and when. Despite all the uncertainty this month, trees and spring bulbs have begun to bloom and lawns/gardens are starting to wake up. Use this time to plant hardy trees, shrubs and perennials you would like for your property and garden.
Lawn care can start again. Here’s what to do now:
- Mowing should begin as soon as your lawn needs it.
- Watering can resume once the grass starts to grow. The lawn should get at least one inch of water per week. Also, keep in mind cold air can be very drying for plants and lawns.
- Tick Season starts in the early spring as the weather starts to get warmer. In order to keep ticks in control, a few suggestions include: keeping your property well maintained, mowing your lawn, cutting back foliage and pruning trees/shrubs to reduce shade.
Spring Flower Tip – mix the early spring flowers with your later bloomers to prevent bare spots after the early flowers are done.
Looking to update your patio or build an outdoor living space? Reach out to us and we can help you to be prepared for the warmer weather. We can also help with early spring container plantings.